Benefits for your business

Travel costs

Lower travel costs
and response time

Downtime costs

Lower downtime and
faster restart of production

Training costs

Lower training costs in case
of workforce turnover

Injury costs

Lower injury days which
usually costs 500% more

- 0 %
Visits on site

250 visits per year
2.500 € per visit

125.000€ SAVED

- 0 %
Training time

20.000 training hours per year
50 € per hour

250.000€ SAVED

- 0 %

24 hours downtime per year
260.000 € per hour

312.000€ SAVED

- 0 %
Spare parts errors

4000 wrong spare parts use per year
150 € per error

120.000€ SAVED

Critical issues with existing solutions

Monocular display
Monocular display

Display is small and focusing on one eye only, causes severe headaches

AR display
AR display

Not flexible and “See-through” displays are dangerous as obstruct vision


Keeps operator’s hands not able to work and is not practical if wearing gloves

Paper Manual
Paper Manual

It keeps hands busy, it’s easily perishable, not updatable and hardly portable

  • Zero set up

  • FOV 100% free

  • Near-to-eyes binocular display

  • Hands free

  • Access to up to date knowledge base

Order your Visiongear NOW